For you to believe that there is God, through His words. What you can see can be evidence that there really is God. As it is written in Romans 1:20, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” His eternal power and Godhead, we understand them by the things he made. We understand, we can trust that there really is God, by the things he made.
For example in what God has made, you can see that man needs oxygen. You inhale oxygen, when you exhale oxygen by the chemical processes that take place in the lungs, in the liver, in different parts of the body, because of the chemical process, the oxygen was used and you exhaled carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide you exhaled will be used by plants. Plants need carbon dioxide to manufacture their food for the plants to grow through the process of photosynthesis. By the leaves of plants and trees, when their leaves are exposed to sunlight, through the stomata in the leaves of plants, they undergo the process of photosynthesis by the use of carbon dioxide. Which process, because of chemical reaction, turns the carbon dioxide again into oxygen. The oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle from plants and animals is something wonderful. it did not happen by accident. There is a designer of life who made it, and that is God. Saint Paul said in his holy epistle, “We understand, we perceive God’s eternal power and Godhead by the things He made”.
So, you can see that the sun has been there for billions of years, it emits heat and light, but sun is not consumed. While if you light a candle, after just a few hours, it is already burnt out. When you use diesl or gasoline, after a few hours, it’s all consumed, you have to refuel your car. Buthe sun does not run out of energy. Man has discovered the secret of the sun. That is called nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is the reaction of the nucleus of an atom; that is the power which the sun uses to produce, through hydrogen which makes up the most part of the sun; it generates its energy by nuclear fission, it produces nuclear energy. Operators of nuclear power plants found out that it costs less. A landle full of plutonium is sufficient to produce energy for 100,000 households. Just a ladle full of plutonium. It is cheap. The sun is so big, it will take billions of years before it runs out of energy. man discovered the secret of the energy of the sun; that is nuclear energy. What do I mean to say? God made the sun that seems to be unending, all the more is the maker of the sun endless. Why? he is the Almighty God. Which is why you are able to believe in the word of God if you compare it with what reality is declaring. Investigae around you, your surroundings, what is reality? Why do i look like my father? Because the human DNA is the blueprint of our being. The DNA comes from the father and the mother. Their child will most probably look like them. Or if they are not physically alike, their behaviors are alike, through the DNA. Those are mysteries that science discovered now, showing that indeed, God our Creator exists.